Audencia Business School is a prestigious French institution and renowned business school situated in the vibrant city of Nantes, France. This business school stands out from the rest, being accredited by prestigious organisations such as the Association of MBAs (AMBA), European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Audencia has also been recognised with the BSIS label. The school has a diverse student body, with 6,100 students from nearly 90 countries. They offer a wide range of programmes, including bachelors, international masters, specialised masters, MBAs, doctorates, and executive education courses.
Audencia consistently ranks among the top 12 business schools in France. In 2022, the Financial Times recognised its Masters in Management programme as one of the top programmes globally, solidifying its reputation as a leader in the field. Audencia’s Full-Time MBA achieved a ranking of 58th in the MBA ranking 2018 by CNN expansion and secured a position of 90th in the world according to The Economist (October 2018).
Audencia, as a member of the Conférence des grandes écoles, holds the esteemed status of a Grande école. Grandes écoles are prestigious French institutions of higher education that operate independently from, yet run in parallel and often have ties to, the main structure of the French public university system. Grandes écoles have a highly selective admissions process, resulting in a considerable number of their graduates reaching prominent positions in French society. Graduating from a grande école is seen as a crucial requirement for securing top government, administrative, and corporate roles in France, much like Ivy League schools in the United States, Russell Group in the UK, and C9 League in China.
The degrees have received accreditation from the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and are granted by the Ministry of National Education (France). 20 Business degrees in France are organised into three levels, making it easier for students to study abroad: the Licence / Bachelor’s degrees, and the Master’s and Doctorat degrees. The Bachelors and the Masters programmes are structured into semesters, with 6 semesters for the Bachelors and 4 semesters for the Masters.
Audencia Business School has received accreditation from EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA, which are highly respected organisations in the business education field. According to a source, there is a reference to a specific piece of information. This business school has achieved the prestigious triple crown, placing it among the top 1% in the world. Out of the 13,670 schools worldwide that offer business degree programmes, a mere 89 have achieved triple accreditation as of May 2018.